some songs that are scientifically proven that they can make you sleep easily

Music is like a magic. Music has a superpower to change our mood. Music can make you cry, laugh, dance, sad etc etc.  Lots of YouTube channels make videos and clam that their videos can make you sleep. Are those videos are fake or not. Let’s configure out. Also we will discuss some songs that can make you sleep   . And it is scientifically proven.

According to national sleep foundation’s official site ‘’, listening music before sleep can improve your sleep quality and quantity. It is not cleared yet that how music improves our sleep quality. It may have to do with the relaxing effect that a good song can have, or the fact that music may trigger feel-good chemicals in the brain. Music can have real physical affects, too, by lowering your heart rate and slowing your breathing.
So if you want a better sleep, listen songs that have a slow rhythm of 60 to 80 beat per Minutes. If you're not sure how many beats-per-minute a certain song has, just enter the song title and the name of the artist into to find out.
There are some songs that are scientifically proven that they can make you sleep easily.

Weightless” by Marconi Union “Clair de Lune” by Claude Debussy Sul-aria” by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart “Nocturne in E Flat Major Op. 9 No. 2” by Frederic Chopin “The Boxer” by Simon & Garfunkel

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